Phytoremediation using water hyacinth pdf

However, with the innovative use of phtotechnology, it can be a viable tool for numerous purposes like power generation, food security and for the environmental remediation the comparison of the current phytotechnology frameworks and phytoremediation utilizing water hyacinth, it can be recommended that utilizing water hyacinth as a part of waste water treatment systems has more noteworthy and exceptional effect on the environment by uptaking co 2 from the atmosphere, at the same time. Effectiveness of domestic wastewater treatment using a bio. Phytoremediation of iron fe and copper cu by water. The shallow pond system is an alternative to the conventional water hyacinth process because it has a low water depth 140150 mm based on the fully matured plant root submerged 80 mm to avoid the anaerobic zone 16. Phytoremediation of industrial mines wastewater using water hyacinth. Pdf sewage treatment is posing serious technoeconomic problems in. Explore phytoremediation with free download of seminar report and ppt in pdf and doc format. Phytoremediation, textile effluent, water hyacinth abstract in a present investigation phytoremediation of textile process effluent by using water hyacinth has been carried out in the kits college of engineering campus, for studying reduction of cod and metals from textile process effluent. Water hyacinth control and possible uses introduction water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes water hyacinth is an aquatic plant which can live and reproduce floating freely on the surface of fresh waters or can be anchored in mud. Although there are several conventional technologies being employed to remediate ammoniacal nitrogen contamination in wastewater, they are not sustainable and costeffective.

Highlights phytoremediation of radioactive wastes containing 7 cs and 60 co radionuclides. Potential of duckweed lemna minor for the phytoremediation. Phytoremediation potential of some heavy metals by water hyacinth. Also explore the seminar topics paper on phytoremediation with abstract or synopsis, documentation on advantages and disadvantages, base paper presentation slides for ieee final year chemical engineering chem or ieee chemical btech, be, mtech students for the year 2015 2016. There are five types of phytoremediation techniques, namely phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phototransformation, phytodegradation, and rhizofiltration 11. Vetiver grass can be grown as floating in water without the soil media hydroponic way. Using water hyacinth for radioactive waste treatment. Request pdf phytoremediation of nitrogenpolluted water using water hyacinth aquatic plants can be used for treating eutrophicated water in a simple and costeffective manner, but many such. Examples where phytoremediation has been used successfully include the restoration of abandoned metal mine workings, and sites where polychlorinated biphenyls have been dumped during manufacture and mitigation of ongoing coal mine discharges reducing the impact of contaminants in soils, water, or air.

Jun 17, 2015 this study investigates the effectiveness of aquatic macrophyte and microphyte for phytoremediation of water bodies contaminated with high arsenic concentration. Sep 01, 2004 this paper elucidates the phytoremediation potential of water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes mart. Phytoremediation of methylene blue and methyl orange using. Plant size ranges from a few inches to a metre in height. Jan 02, 2017 the aim of the present investigation is to develop a suitable phytoremediation technology for the effective removal of toxic hexavalent chromium from mines wastewater. The phytoremediation potential of water hyacinth plant eichhornia crassipes was investigated on some metals. Overall results indicated that eichhorniacrassipes can be used for. Phytoremediation, a subcategory of phytotechnology, uses plants to absorb pollutants from soils or from water. Phytoremediation seminar report, ppt, pdf for chemical.

The water hyacinth was grown hydroponically in 300ml of 0. Plants were collected from local area of jamshedpur, india. Journal of wastewater treatment using the aquatic plant. Many researchers have used water hyacinth, water lettuce and vetiver grass for the removal of water contaminants but their treatment capabilities depend on different factors like climate, contaminants of different concentrations, temperature, etc. Factors affecting bioaccumulation of 7 cs and 60 co using floating plants. Review and study of water hyacinth and their application on. Along this line, the present study aims to highlight the significance of green chemistry. A water hyacinth species eichhornia crassipes was chosen to remediate the problem of cr vi pollution from wastewater. This paper elucidates the phytoremediation potential of water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes mart. Phytoextraction of zinc, copper, lead, iron, and nickel from landfill leachate by duckweed l. Bioaccumulation of radionuclides from radioactive waste streams.

Pdf cyanide phytoremediation by water hyacinths eichhornia. Design, development, and evaluation of a laboratoryscale. People have been trying to remove the plant from many waterways, spending billions of dollars in doing so. The most common aquatic macrophytes being employed in wastewater treatment are water hyacinth, penny wort, water lettuce, water ferns and duck weeds, because they are cheaper. Water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes is a free floating aquatic plant that originated from tropical south america and. After the treatment of wastewater by water hyacinth, it can be used for irrigation purpose liao and chang, 2004. Solms for tn and tp rich industrial wastewaters determined for 15 weeks under different setups of 2fold 56 tn mgl and 15. Phytoremediation of textile waste water using potential. Secondly, our study is the first paper to have reported phytoremediation using the water hyacinth plant at three different levels bench, bankside and inriver. Some parameters analyzed included ammonia nitrogen nh3n, nitrate. Phytoremediation may be applied to polluted soil or static water environment. Pdf phytoremediation of industrial mines wastewater. Forumusing superplants to clean up our environment phytoremediation is an innovative use of green plants to clean up our environment. Phytoremediation efficiencies of water hyacinth in.

Textile waste water treatment by using phytoremediation priyanka s. The development of ecofriendly and efficient technologies for treating wastewater is one of the attractive research area. Perspectives of phytoremediation using water hyacinth for. International journal of agricultural science and technology.

Water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes for improved aquatic resources. The present study focused on the phytoremediation efficiency of water hyacinth for the batik effluent treatment. Water hyacinth is just beginning to be used for phytoremediation which is. Bioconcentration factor and removal efficiency were also calculated. At harvest 28 days, maize crop parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, dry weight, and cn content.

Leachate characterization and phytoremediation using water. Phytoremediation process is the use of plants to remediate contamination by the uptake of contaminated water by plants. Materials and methods plant materials the study was conducted by using water hyacinth weeds eichhornia crassipes which served as tool of phytoremediation. Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from industrial. The accumulation and translocation potential of cu by water hyacinth was higher than that of fe, indicating that water hyacinth can be primarily utilized as a good phytoaccumulator of cu and fe too. Greywater, hydroponics, phytoremediation, water hyacinth, water lettuce i. Utilization of water hyacinth eichhorniacrassipes for. According to the international phytotechnology society website, phytotechnology is defined as the science of using plants to solve environmental problems such as pollution, reforestation, biofuels, and landfilling. Introduction water shortage in india will be a key issue for its sustainable development in the future. Poonam bathla department of applied science, first year engineering vidyalankar institute of technology, mumbai37 abstract. Phytoremediation of metals contaminated distillery effluent.

The study involved the preparation of the heavy metals solutions in different concentrations their ph values supplemented into eight 40l plastic. Leachate from pulau burung landfill site was analyzed and treated using phytoremediation technique while water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes was used as the phytoremediator. Phytoremediation process, water hyacinth, sewage treatment. The study was conducted by using water hyacinth weeds eichhornia crassipes which served as tool of phytoremediation. Three operating factors were investigated such as retention times 0 to 28 days, batik effluent strength 20, 30 and 60%, and number of water hyacinth clumps 8, 10 and 12 clumps. Among all method investigated presently, phytoremediation by amats aquatic macrophytes treatment systems is a well established environmental protective technique. Extending the geographic reach of the water hyacinth plant in. Phytoremediation efficiency of water hyacinth for batik.

Water hyacinth is just beginning to be used for phytoremediation. Shinde and supriya sarkar, booktitleinternational journal of phytoremediation, year2017. Aquatic plants can be used for treating eutrophicated water in a simple and costeffective manner, but many such plant systems remain to be characterized. Treatment of water using water hyacinth, water lettuce and. Therefore, water hyacinth was found to be a promising candidate for phytoremediation and adequate for biomonitoring programmes for metal. Physiological responses of water hyacinth, eichhornia. Water samples contaminated with heavy metals zn, cu and pb were subjected to phytoremediation method using water hyacinth e. Pdf phytoremediation of industrial mines wastewater using water.

Phytoremediation is considered to be a possible method for the removal of pollutants present in wastewater and recognized as a. Phytoremediation is one of the biological wastewater treatment methods 2, and is the concept of using plantsbased systems and. Solms in crude oil polluted water 1ochekwu, edache bernard. After a week the plants were removed and digested and tested for metals using aas 9. The most positive characteristics are that phytoremediation is a natural and in study on application of phytoremediation technology in management and remediation of contaminated soils. Phytoremediation of nitrogen as green chemistry for. Phytoremediation of textile waste water using potential wetland plant. As an emerging hopeful technology, phytoremediation for using in management and remediation of contaminated soils has its advantages and limitations. Aquatic macrophytes like water hyacinth have been extensively used for phytoremediation of water contaminated with dyes khaiary 2007 and metals like cadmium, arsenic, lead, and chromium agunbiade et al. Study on application of phytoremediation technology in. Phytoremediation of industrial mines wastewater using. Physiological responses of water hyacinth, eichhornia crassipes mart. Solms water hyacinth, an oceanic lasting herb display all around the world, need a heap from claiming metabolites.

Phytoremediation is an effective process in the removal of heavy metal contaminant from soil and water. This use came about for a few reasons, the first being that water hyacinth is so plentiful. The term comes from the greek word for plants phyto that can detoxify, or remediate, soil or water contaminated with heavy metals or excess minerals. Results and discussion quality of tapioca wastewater bod during the process of phytoremediation of tapioca wastewater using water hyacinth as. Pdf phytoremediation efficiencies of water hyacinth in removing. A water hyacinth species eichhornia crassipes was chosen to remediate the problem of cr vi pollution from waste water. Phytoremediation of metals using the water hyacinth plant has been ongoing for over four decades wolverton 1975. Site test of phytoremediation of an open pond contaminated with. Phytoremediation of nitrogenpolluted water using water. Phytoremediation, water hyacinth, crude oil, concentrations and physicochemical. To address these concerns, it is necessary to integrate past studies with current rese. Phytoremediation, textile effluent, water hyacinth abstract in a present investigation phytoremediation of textile process effluent by using water hyacinth has been carried out in the kits college of engineering campus, for studying reduction of.

Water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes and two algae chlorodesmis sp. Phytoremediation of metals contaminated distillery effluent using water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes dr. Phytoremediation of copper and lead by using sunflower. Madagwa, blessing department af plant science and biotechnology, faculty of science, university of port harcourt key words. Pdf perspectives of phytoremediation using water hyacinth. Perspectives of phytoremediation using water hyacinth for removal of heavy metals, organic and inorganic pollutants in wastewater. Textile waste water treatment by using phytoremediation. The results showed that water hyacinth is a promising candidate for the phytoremediation of wastewater polluted with ni. Phytoremediation is the ability of plants to concentrate elements and compounds from the contaminated soils and water bodies and to metabolize molecules in their tissues appears very promising method for removal of pollutants from the soil and water gurbisu and alkorta, 2003. May 30, 2019 according to the international phytotechnology society website, phytotechnology is defined as the science of using plants to solve environmental problems such as pollution, reforestation, biofuels, and landfilling. Phytoremediation of industrial mines wastewater using water. The plants were grown for 7 days each in phytoremediation tanks containing a solution of 100 ppm concentration of either potassium k, sodium na, zinc zn, lead pb, iron fe, cadmium cd, magnesium mg, copper cu or calcium ca.

The aim of the present investigation is to develop a suitable phytoremediation technology for the effective removal of toxic hexavalent chromium from mines wastewater. Water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes plants acted as an efficient adsorbent for phosphorus and nitrogen from swine waste water chen, et al,2010 and being able to grow and clean up extremely. Performance of aquatic plant species for phytoremediation of. Water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes is a free floating aquatic.

Introduction years for the uptake and removal of organic, inorganic and heavy metal present in waster water using water hyacinth to make it as a eichhornia crassipes also known as water hyacinth has gained suitable. It is noteworthy that ammoniacal nitrogen contamination in wastewater has reportedly posed a great threat to the environment. Jan 02, 2017 the study was conducted by using water hyacinth weeds eichhornia crassipes which served as tool of phytoremediation. The water hyacinth is a disruptive factor in aquatic ecosystem management and ecosystem services, and causes problems in fisheries, transportation waterways, irrigation, hydropower generation, and water resources. Phytoremediation of nitrogenpolluted water using water hyacinth. Pdf perspectives of phytoremediation using water hyacinth for. This study investigates the effectiveness of aquatic macrophyte and microphyte for phytoremediation of water bodies contaminated with high arsenic concentration. Water hyacinth for phytoremediation of radioactive waste. Eco sustainable approach, authormesania rizwana and marjadi darshan and dr.

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